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Book Recommendations

We want to present you a German books from a huge variety of genres, authors and topics. Doesn’t matter if you are searching for a book to read in German or generally interested in literature from the German speaking world – this is for you.

If you have ideas about what you would like to see here next month, get in touch with us and send us your suggestions and the reason why this should be included!

Die Leiden des jungen Werther

What would German classic literature be without one of the greatest German writer Johann Wolfgang Goethe? The Sorrows of Young Werher was …

Tagebuch von Anne Frank

If you are interested in German history, especially in the Nazi period, the diary of Anne Frank is a must-have! Anne Frank …

Das Parfüm

The Perfume – The story of a murder is an acclaimed bestseller novel by the German writer Patrick Süskind in 1985. It …